The Hello Bench

Creating new relationships it’s harder than you think, even when you are in the midst of hundreds of thousands of people. To do so, you need a spark and a new opportunity.
So how do you get strangers to bond?

The answer is: The Hello Bench

Nescafe rigged the bench to help you make friends, The company planned the stunt at the Milan Furniture Fair.They offered free coffee & a conspicuous red bench.
As usual, strangers sat on separate ends,

it automatically slid the two ends of the bench together.bench that gets shorter when two people sit on it. Two sensors activate the bench and let two strangers get closer:

an unexpected way to break the ice and start a conversation/connection.It may just be a clever way to sell coffee and also a nice reminder to befriend your neighbours :)

Watch Video:
Nescafé - The Hello Bench

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